Carrie Cash-Life and Times of a Female Bike Racer

Recaps and excerpts of racing in the Midwest Women's Pro/Elite arena

Monday, April 27, 2009

Roswell Redemption

So I missed my big break...or THE break. However, the race was smooth (only 2 crashes, one of which impeded both other Team Rev riders). Averaging 25mph, the primes were plentiful and the action consistent. Once the break was established the field settled in for a few laps to gather their thoughts. I maintained position at around 6-10th hole, keeping my eye on the accelerations and counter attempts. With Tibco, Colovita, and TT1 all represented in the break, any attacks were quickly shut down.
I hear the announcer(Dave Towle)....or did I?...
"$200 prime on the next lap"
As I crossed the line ahead of the pack, for what I thought was a nice stipend to the day, I hear him say something garbled about a prime on the next lap....."are you kidding?, I am off the front, just went for a prime that really wasn't there and now they shout out the correct lap" All of this my fault I know, but nonetheless frustrating.

The dynamic of the race was great and fun to catch how well the Tibco and Colovita squads maneuver for positioning. Somewhat like a nice game of NASCAR. In and out at will, up and back...attack, attack. Team Type 1 delivered great prescence in both the break(Jen McRae and Kori Seehaefer) and the pack.

With 4 laps to go, I ready myself for the final effort of the day. The work at hand. Somewhere between 3 and 2 laps to go...I have a bit of a flurry and miss my move up. Going into turn 3 on the last lap, I shoot up the right side and tag onto the lead 10 riders. The last turn opens up and the 300 meters to the slightly downhill finish is upon me...I jump and take 10th in the field sprint. Not stellar, but I will take 19th today with a smile. I rode well to stay atop of all the mess and came out with a little cash to boot.
For an old lady with 2 kids(Gavin & Aubrey),
a parttime day job
, and a passion for racing, I am happy to be here and enjoying some great racing with my teammate and companion, Chris Roettger.


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